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IBF Servizi punta sulla tecnologia per risparmiare acqua per irrigare i campi.

IBF Servizi's irrigation recommendations are based on the analysis of satellite data and proximity sensors such as probes and weather sheds and can enable farmers to save up to 25% water and have 30% higher yields..

In IBF Servizi's offices, models are drawn up on the water requirements of a given plot of land through analyses that are carried out in real time by cross-referencing the data also with historical series from previous years.

Using alerts, irrigation advice is given to the farmer, informing him if the plant is under water stress or not.

Thanks to these alerts, a producer of peaches nectarines in the province of Rimini has saved over 25% of the water normally used on about 9ha, increasing both the size and yield of the fruit.


The water saving on one hectare was over 145 m33 and the investment to achieve this result was very low, about ten or a little more euros per hectare (much depends, of course, on the economies of scale that can be activated on the farm and in the area).

Such services could really change the world in terms of yield, production, costs and sustainability. They just need to be strongly promoted!
